Widows and divorced women are vulnerable groups in society, as they have lost their breadwinners and sources of income. This makes them in desperate need of psychological, social, economic, health, and educational support. This project aims to provide care for this category and ensure a dignified and stable life for them by providing monthly support that contributes to meeting their basic needs.

Project Justifications

  • Due to the increase in crises, wars, poverty, and social problems, there are many widows and divorced women with multiple needs that need to be addressed.
  • There is a strong desire among many people to help widows and divorced women, but it is difficult for them to reach this category. The project fulfills this desire by supporting these women.
  • The project addresses the increasing social problems, family breakdown, and divorce as consequences of poverty and crises.

Project Goals

  • Providing support that meets the needs of widows and divorced women and improves their living conditions.
  • Reducing psychological and social problems resulting from poverty caused by crises and disasters.

The Beneficiaries

  • Total: 520 individuals
  • Direct beneficiaries = 500 individuals
  • Indirect beneficiaries = 20 individuals (families of project employees)

Expected Results

  • Providing support to more than a hundred families (supported by widows or divorced women) in need.
  • Contributing to supporting and improving the quality of life for the targeted families and reducing social, psychological, economic, and health problems.