The Islamic sciences are the foundation for shaping the character of a Muslim individual. From these sciences, individuals derive their ethics and behaviors, and they turn to them in times of problems and crises. Enhancing these sciences contributes to refining society, promoting psychological well-being, and strengthening social cohesion. This project is dedicated to teaching and memorizing the Holy Quran and emphasizing its importance in the hearts of students, so that it may have a profound and blessed impact on their lives

Project Justifications

  • There are many students who are in need of learning proper recitation and memorization of the Holy Quran, but they struggle to find Quran circles or teachers due to lack of support and nurturing for such circles.
  • It is important to enhance the love for the Holy Quran in the hearts of young people and connect their lives to it.
  • There is a lack of focus on teaching and memorizing the Holy Quran in schools due to the overcrowding of other subjects in students' daily schedules.
  • Many families face challenges in their ability to teach the Holy Quran to their children, either due to limited resources or lack of time.
  • Students demonstrate high discipline when it comes to memorizing and learning the Holy Quran, especially within Quran circles and with Quran teachers.

Project Goals

  • Teaching and memorizing the Holy Quran with proper recitation and teaching the etiquettes of its recitation
  • Enhancing the values of love and reverence for the Holy Quran in the targeted group
  • Contributing to the refinement of the morals and behavior of the beneficiaries and promoting their psychological well-being
  • Contributing to the reduction of societal problems among the generation by spreading noble values to protect the community from violence and extremism

The Beneficiaries

  • The total: 1100 individuals
  • Direct beneficiaries: 1000 male and female students
  • Indirect beneficiaries: 100 individuals (families of project staff members)

Expected Results

  • Enabling students to acquire proper recitation and memorization skills of the Quran
  • Improving the behavior of students benefiting from the circles, reducing psychological and social problems
  • Contributing to creating additional employment opportunities for Quran teachers