About Us

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all worlds, and we seek help only from Him. May Allah's blessings and peace be upon the noblest of prophets and messengers, our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his entire family and companions.

Since our humble beginnings, we have been enthusiastic about following the footsteps of women in the field of humanitarian aid throughout history.

We have clarified our vision to highlight and empower women's roles in humanitarian work and to enhance their capabilities. We have endeavored to revive the foundation culture with the inherent compassion in women, touching the needs of society, embracing others, and based on the principle of helping them. Our role model in this regard begins with the greatest woman who supported her husband, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Hazrat Khadija bint Khuwaylid. She responded to the call of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), supported him, and devoted her life and wealth to helping the oppressed.

As a reward for her noble actions, she was promised a palace in paradise, made of pearls, where there would be no hardship or sorrow. Following her is the mother of the believers, Hazrat Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her). There are many other role models like them.


Why Women?

The Almighty Allah has bestowed upon women a set of innate qualities that help them fulfill their roles and duties in life completely. They possess attributes such as emotional sensitivity, self-sacrifice, devotion, the ability to take constant initiative, and strong observational skills, among others. Women can carefully read situations, understand needs, and adeptly express their emotions. Moreover, by nature, they can creatively solve problems and handle multiple tasks simultaneously, in addition to their unique way of thinking.


Women and Society

When we look at society and its network of relationships, we find that women occupy a broad place as mothers, wives, and sisters, thus representing a significant majority of the community. Being aware of society's constantly increasing needs, they have the capability to perceive, comprehend, and meet these requirements.


Women and Civic Engagements

Based on their characteristics, abilities, and significant impact in society, women have the opportunity to actively participate in civic engagements and be ready to take on such responsibilities. They find opportunities to effectively utilize their talents and social networks in civic activities, thereby playing an active role in societal development and meeting its needs.


Mercy for Humanity

Inspired by the charitable works of Hurrem Sultan, the wife of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, our Endowment was established to follow in the footsteps of women who, with their ideas and energies, benefit society and humanity. The most important feature that distinguishes us from other endowments is to cultivate the logic of endowment and women's endowment works by following the footsteps of our ancestors in order to ensure the continuity of the charitable works. As the Hurrem Sultan Endowment, we will carry out our activities in the oppressed geographies in need, in the international areas.

As the Hurrem Sultan Endowment, we can list our aims in this path, which we set out with the aim of benefiting from the power and talent of women, especially in the field of humanitarian aid;

  • Invest in the inherent capabilities of women by nature. Women are emotional, hardworking, self-sacrificing, initiative, and responsible.
  • Taking advantage of women's ability and ability to empathize, to touch events, to contribute to society’s needs based on a deep understanding and awareness.
  • To reach and mobilize the network of relations in the surrounding area, starting from the nuclear family to the extended family, from the neighborhood and city to the global community as a whole.